
All Maths Cloud lessons are structured under the units of Geometry, Algebra, Number, and Statistics, and will take a very similar format to those lessons that currentlt exist.
Lesson Content
  Every lesson has a detailed step by explanation to support teachers and learners moving through the learning steps, which appear on the click of a button or whiteboard press. It is build using HTML5, so works using a number of different platforms to give teachers more control. Lessons are designed with a view to reducing the workload of teachers, therefore many lessons are "Whiteboard" lessons, to reduce the need for printed worksheets, saving time during lessons, and time preparing lessons.
Differentiated Questions
  There are 3 sets of questions for each and every lesson, giving the teachers the ability to give students more questions to practice. Extension questions are available for most topics for the students who have a strong grasp of the material. These questions have been developed by our teachers using their experience of where students often come across barriers, so that teachers can manage the "progress" of students accurately in the classroom.
Question/Answer Show / Hide Function
  As ALL our content is designed to be supported by interactive whiteboards, the answers are readily available behind the questions to allow students to check their progress. Teachers can switch between questions and answers at the click of a button or whiteboard touch.
Lesson worksheets or calculators ?
  To aid in lesson preparation, the lessons that require printed worksheets are highlighted and easy to print off, with answers being accessed via the online lesson, once again for students to self-assess their learning.
Problem solving questions
  To aid in further consolidation and exam practice, many lessons now come with a number of problem solving questions which teachers can "work" through with the class. These are designed as "plenary" / further consolidation activities as oppossed to "skills based learning".